1.    Paper consumption / Printer paper consumption- library and Gund commons total / Paper vs. online submissions- professor and student preferences and waste / Compare paper use between departments


Greta, Han, Kayla, Mira, Sonia


3.    Landscape maintenance - use of equipment, also plants


Lucy I., Tim, Sam


5.    Meat in Peirce-not local / Food waste at Peirce / Meat consumption (comparing student diets)


Dalton, Elise, Heather, Kaitlin, Reilly


6.    Energy consumption of different housing options


Carlo, Justin, Sean, Tehya


7.    Water consumption: KAC pool, laundry, showers (hot/ cold water) / Shower use- KAC vs. other buildings


Austen, Ben, Charlotte, Nick Parker


9.    Energy consumption of extracurriculars (sports, theater productions) / Athletic team footprints


Chelsea, Katie, Lucy E., Toni


19.  Student break travelling


Cameron, Jake, Nate, Nick Patterson