Step by Step Instructions on How to Make a Poster Using PowerPoint 2007

(adapted from

  1. Start PowerPoint: Make a New presentation – a blank one. A blank slide (new presentation) should appear when you first start PowerPoint from the programs menu. If it does not, select "New" from the main submenu, which is located from the icon in the upper-left corner of the program window. Click on the "Layout" drop-down menu located to the left of the "Home" tab, and choose a blank format (no title or other elements).
  2. Choose the size of your poste. Open the "Design" tab, then click on the "Page setup" icon. In the window that appears, slect "custom" under "Slides sized for:" with a width of 48" and height of 36".
  3. In order to add text, the text needs a "container" – a Text Box. Two ways to make a text box:
  4. You can change the font and size by highlighting the text to be changed and then alterning the font size in the "Home" tab. If you don't see the font size you want in the selection list, enter it in by hand.
  5. To move a Text Box, position your pointer over a part of the edge of the box that is not a handle until the pointer becomes shaped like a plus sign with arrows. Click and drag the Text Box..
  6. You can change many text features using the Format menu/Text Box.
  7. Adding images: The two ways to add images are:
  8. Background: You can select a background under the Format menu/Background. If you want a picture background, right click on the slide and select "format background." You can then select a picture file. Also, you can select a solid color. Be careful of using too big of an image – large files can become cumbersome to work with.
  9. Lines, Boxes, Arrows: There are many other things that PowerPoint can do. Under the "Insert" tab are tools to make ovals, boxes, lines, arrows, etc. When you have made one of these, you can change it (when it is selected) with the Format menu/Colors and Lines.
  10. Zoom: You can control the zoom amount by clicking on the zoom choice box (if visible), or using the View menu/Zoom.
  11. Printing: Before printing a full size draft, you can print a small version by selecting “fit to paper” under printing options (choose Microsoft Powerpoint options).