Beta-Galactosidase Paper

The following paper should be used in your discussion to compare the optimal pH and temperature characteristics of Beta-galactosidase from Excherichia coli to those of pink salmon and rat liver. Also use pages 60-64 in Freeman to help explaine the effects of pH and temperature.

Gatt, Shimon. 1969. Thermal Libility of Beta Galactosidase from Pink salmon Liver. Sci.164 (3886) 1422-1423.

Lac Operon Paper

The following paper should be used in your discussion to help explain your results. Read the abstract, examine the figures and read the discussion. Try to comapre what is learned from the Western Blot to what was learned from the Lac Operon lab where and ONPG assay was used to measure the amount of beta-galactosidase.

Goldberg, Richard B. and Erwin Chargaff. 1971. On the Control of the Incuction of Beta-Galactosidase in Syn hronous Cultures of Escherichia coli. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA 68 (8) 1702-1706.