Here are some links to web sites related to evolution:

 DISCOVER Does Darwin: Special Section on Evolution 2009

AIBS links to Issues in Evolution

Evolution, by Douglas Futuyma The companion website for your textbook

The Fossil Museum

Evolution, by Mark Ridley This site has many, helpful resources.

The Evolution Research Center for Students and Teachers of Biology

The Panda's Thumb - a web site to discuss popular misconceptions as well as creationist attacks on science

Thoughtful responses to all creationist claims

Evolution overview - Berkeley

The Writings of Charles Darwin on the Web

Charles Darwin - American Museum of Natural History

Galapagos Mockingbirds - Patterns of mockingbird distribution inspired Darwin even before he recognized the importance of finches on these islands.

Darwin's Finches - Studies by the Grants

A Ring-Species, Ensatina eschschultzi

Using Game Theory to study Evolutionary Adaptation

Berkeley Geology Wing

Vendian fossils

Continental drift simulations (Berkeley)

Continental drift simulations from the Paleomap project

Tree of life