Professor Chris Gillen - 1998-1999

Return to biology 41 syllabus.
Return to biology 42 syllabus.
Return to biology 36 syllabus.

Citations, acknowledgments, and academic honesty:

Reports and papers and weekly assignments must be written independently. You are encouraged to exchange information with your peers in this class and to discuss class material and assignments with your classmates. However, you must write all papers (anything that is handed in to me) independently. Independently means by yourself. Sharing text by exchanging files is expressly forbidden. Sharing figures is only allowed if both partners actively contribute to constructing the figures. If figures are shared, the exact contribution of each partner must be stated in an acknowledgments section (see below).

All forms of collaboration and sharing of information must be explicitly acknowledged. This means that you must state who you worked with and you must state the nature of the interaction. For example: "Jane Doe and I worked together to produce Figure 1. We both contributed to creating Figure 1, and the same Figure is reproduced in each of our papers." or "John Doe and I discussed the interpretation of our results before I wrote this paper. The paragraph on possible sources of error was largely influenced by this discussion." or "Professor X provided the picture of the experimental setup."

Citations of references must be done properly. Direct quotations should not be used unless absolutely necessary. When direct quotations are used, the quoted text must be in quotation marks and cited properly. Close paraphrasing (simply rephrasing another's text without substantially altering the flow of ideas) is not allowed. Please refer to the guidelines in the Student Handbook and for more details. Please also be aware that scientific writing has a specific set of rules and conventions that may differ from those in other disciplines. If you are unsure about proper citation, please ask me.

Adherence to the above guidelines is the responsibility of the student. You must understand and follow proper citation and acknowledgment formats.

If you have questions or are unsure, please ask me.