Teaching Interests: Appreciating the
beauty and novel intracacies of plant cells opened my eyes to other worlds I never imaged I could be enchanted
by. My first goal in teaching was and is to help reveal the incredible workings of plant cells and how we have
come to better understand them. However, I was pre-vet throughout my college years and it was only by unusual circumstances
that I have turned out as a plant physiologist. So I have a strong love of anatomy and animal dissection, biochemistry,
and genetics and evolution. My second passion is for women's studies and teaching with antiracism at the core of
I have taught broadly in our curriculum engaging non-majors and majors in The Biology of Female Sexuality which
has been subject to much debate worldwide and is featured prominently in writer-in-residence Fred Kluge's book,
Alma Mater. David Marcey, now at Cal Lutheran University, and I co-taught an HIV and Emerging Viruses course which really
was exciting for me...I learned so much about viruses and illness!!
Research Interests: The research I began as my Honors project in college I continued as my PhD thesis at the
University of North Carolina: how the plant hormone, auxin, controlled corn root elongation. I tried to unravel
a mystery wherein my data did not comply with the standing interpretation found in all textbooks in the 60's and
70's. As a postdoc at Yale I turned my attention to the mode of auxin transport and localization of the tissues
performing active transport of the hormone. Once I began teaching my students became actively involved in pursuing
hormone transport questions. As grant monies opened up at NASA to investigate a particular growth phenomena.....YOU
GUESSED IT!...gravitropism (the asymmetric growth of a plant organ resulting in a particular re-orientation to
gravity), the lab turned its attention to the question of how hormone transport might play a role in relaying and
mounting asymmetrical growth in corn roots. This turned into a burning need to understand how plant cells detect
change in their orientation to the gravitational field. On sabbatical at Washington University in St. Louis, I
learned the technique of patch-clamping. This resulted in indentifying the first stretch-activating ion channel
in a plant cell. A stretch-activated channel could respond to cell wall distortions and/or organelle distortions
as relayed to it by cytoskeletal linkers. Plant cells, by and large are very difficult to patch-clamp and roots
are multicellular and show evidence that normally the cells that detect gravity are spatially separated from the
tissue that responds by elongation. A single cell system might be easier to study, I thought and switched my attention
to a fungus recommended to me by Rainer Her
tel of Germany: Phycomyces, the pride and joy of
Nobel Prize winner, Max Delbruck. This work continues today with students in my lab.
Teaching Interests (continued):
Research Interests (continued):