Fall 2005 Seminar Series in brief:
(seminars are ordinarily on Thursdays at 4:00 PM in Higley Auditorium)

Sept. 8 Dr. Christopher Gillen, Biology Department, Kenyon College
Expression of calcium handling proteins during molting and cold acclimation in crayfish.

Sept. 22 Dr. Kurt Fredrick, Department of Microbiology, The Ohio State University
Taking a walk with the ribosome
Oct. 6 Richard Leakey (Faculty Lectureships: 7:30 PM in Rosse Hall)
Evolutionary Opportunities: Ancient and Modern
Influential environmentalist and perhaps the world’s best-known paleoanthropologist, Richard Leakey has been credited with some of the most significant fossil discoveries of the 20th century. He is the author of over 100 articles and books, including Origins, The Sixth Extinction, and his memoir, Wildlife Wars: My Fight to Save Africa’s Natural Treasures. Currently a Visiting Professor of Anthropology at Stony Brook University, Leakey, one of the foremost authorities on wildlife and nature conservation, continues to educate others about the dangers of environmental degradation.
Oct. 20

Dr. Maria Miriti, The Ohio State University
A 20-year study of spatial effects on community dynamics in desert perennials

Nov. 3 Dr. Mike Heithaus, Marine Biology Program, Florida International University
Non-lethal effects of Tiger Sharks on a sea grass community
Nov. 17 Dr. Kristina Mead, Biology Department, Denison University