Kenyon College -- Department of Biology

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Department of Biology
2001 Spring Semester Seminar Series

All seminars are on Thursday in Higley Auditorium at 4:15 p.m.
Coffee and cookies at 4:00 p.m.

Jan. 25
Dr. Eric Liebl
Denison University
“Gaining insights into axonal pathfinding: Mixing genetics and cell biology into an interesting amalgam”

Feb. 15
Dr. Marten Edwards
Ohio Wesleyan University
“Blood and guts: The molecular physiology of mosquito digestion and reproduction”

Feb. 22
Dr. Yves Brun
Indiana University
“Regulation of cell differentiation in Caulobacter”

Mar. 22
Dr. Jeri Wright
Ohio State University

Apr. 5
Dr. Manuel Morales
University of Maryland

Apr. 19