Seahorse Depletion and the Solutions Implemented for their Conservation

Seahorses are a unique species of fish. They are easily identified by their upright swimming stance, horse-like head, tubular snout, and bony structure. They can be found dancing about in shallow tropical waters extending from the brackish waters of the Chesapeake Bay to the clear waters of the Philippines. They are one of the few organisms whose husbandry roles are reversed; instead of the typical female role of giving birth to and raising the offspring, with seahorses, this is the job of the male. They are one of few monogamous creatures, devoted to one partner for the duration of their life. Today, these exquisite creatures are being exploited by humans, and lay on the brink of extinction.

Seahorse populations are plummeting due to over extraction for the Chinese Medicinal Trade and the rapid destruction of their habitat by unsustainable fishing methods. To stop populations from completely collapsing, conservation methods need to be implemented. Conservation should come in the form of sustainable fisheries management, as well as national and international policies which will protect these endangered organisms. This website is designed to raise awareness about the current threat to seahorse populations and to explore possible methods and policies capable of reestablishing their place in the environment.

This website was created to fulfill the graduation requirements for the interdisciplinary degree of Marine Conservation and Policy at Kenyon College.

All questions and comments should be sent to Adrian Nelson at

This website was completed on April 2nd, 2004