Model View:

Photinus pyralis (Common Eastern Firefly) Luciferase

Suzanna Bator '20 and Myanna Cook '21


I. Introduction

Model View:

         (Common Eastern) Firefly luciferase is a 62 kDa oxidoreductase that catalyzes the production of light. With a two step chemical process, luciferase is used to emit light in fireflies to attract mates. As an enzyme, luciferase uses both MgATP and oxygen to oxidize the enzyme�s substrate luciferin. This oxidation leads to the emission of the yellow-green glow most kids chase after in summer nights. Although this enzyme has rather slow kinetics, luciferase is able to produce one photon of light for each molecule of luciferin that is oxidized. An in depth mechanism for luciferase activity is shown in Figure 1.

         Luciferase is frequently used as a reporter gene in studies since the emission of light can be measured easily; the more light emitted (measured in relative luminometer units, RLU), the more the gene is expressed. The enzyme can also be used to quantify ATP utilization. Beyond luciferase�s assay capabilities, the enzyme has a lot of sequence homology with fatty-acyl coenzyme A (CoA) ligases and peptide synthetases as these enzymes activate their substrates by catalyzing an enzyme-bound adenylate intermediate. These enzymes, like luciferase, catalyze enzyme-bound adenylated intermediates by linking the carboxyl of its substrate to the phosphoryl moiety of AMP, and transfers this activated substrate to an acceptor like CoA.


Figure 1. Luciferase chemical reaction. In the first (activation) step, luciferin (Enzyme +Luc-COOH) is activated through the acylation of the carboxylate group with the ?-phosphate of ATP, making the enzyme-bound luciferyl adenylate (Enzyme:Luc-CO-AMP) and releasing a pyrophosphate. The second (oxidation) step oxides the luciferyl adenylate with molecular oxygen and releases CO2 This oxidation excites an electron creating an excited state product (Enzyme: Luc=O*) that then decays to the ground state (Luc=O) and emits light (hv). Image taken from Branchini et al. 2003.

II. General Structure

Model View:

          P. pyralis Luciferase (as crystallized by Conti et. al., 1996) is comprised of : a 432-residue N-terminus domain and a 108-residue C-terminus domain. The domain includes three subdomains: a distorted, anti-parallel β-barrel (Subdomain ) and two β-sheets bordered by α-helices called β-sheet A and β-sheet B (Subdomains and ). Subdomains A and B create a long surface groove that Subdomain C closes.

    The domain is separated from the main N-terminus domain by a wide cleft.  The C-terminus domain is often compared to a lid on top of the β-barrel. Two short, antiparallel β-strands and a three-stranded mixed β-sheet with three α helices packed at the sides create the α+β structure of this domain. are marked here, consistent with the coloring above.

III. Conserved Residues

Model View:

          Firefly luciferases have a lot of primary sequence and mechanistic similarities to peptide synthetases and acyl-CoA ligases. Both of these enzymes activate their substrates into enzyme-bound adenylate intermediates just like luciferase. Within a representative set of 38 enzymes (consisting of 9 firefly luciferases, 18 acyl-CoA ligases, and the activated domain from 11 peptide synthetases; enzymes chosen by Conti et al., 1996) from multiple organisms that catalyze the acylation reaction (using 15 unique substrates), there are extensive regions of primary sequence similarity. Out of the total 550 residues in this firefly luciferase, 75 residues are identical in at least 50% of the 38 enzyme set; however, there are only -- G200(not located in experiment), K206, E344, D422, R437(not located in experiment), G446 and E455 -- which most likely play a key role in ATP binding and adenylate formation. There are other conserved sequences motifs with invariant residues, one of which is a motif of 198[STG]-[STG]-G-[ST]-[TSE]-[GS]-x(L)-[PALIVM]-K206 (blue residues are specific to this luciferase; brackets are alternative residues and x is a hypervariable position; residues 199-203 were not located in this experiment). G200 and K206 are invariant, and mutagenesis of the to an R was shown to dramatically decrease enzyme activity. Other alterations did not have as drastic of an effect. There are two other motifs found in this enzyme set: a 340[YFW]-[GASW]-x(L)-[TSA]-E344 and a 420[STA]-[GRK]-D422. Residues E344 and D422 are invariant.

IV. Active Site

Model View:

          The proposed by Conti et al. 1996 includes 3 of the 7 invariant residues mentioned above (the 3 invariant residues are labelled red). The other 6 active site residues are identical in at least 50% of the 38 enzymes. In other ATP and GTP-binding proteins there is a classical mononucleotide-binding (Rossmann) fold. The motif for this fold is G-x-x-x-x-G-K-[STG], and unfortunately is disordered in this luciferase structure; however, there is interpretable electron density in the N-terminus , and residues. faces the cleft between the two domains and is readily exposed to the solvent (8% w/v PEG 8000, 10% glycerol, 12.5% ethylene glycol and 100 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.8). S198 is to a carboxylate oxygen of E344. D422 is exposed to the solvent and its carboxylate groups to the side chain of Y340, a well conserved residue. The hydroxyl group of S420 has the potential to with the backbone nitrogens of both D422 and G421.

          The cleft is too large for the substrates and interactions with the residues to occur. Since the invariant residues lay on inner surfaces of the two domains within the realm of the cleft and the cleft is too large, it is thought that the domains substantially change their conformation to sandwich the substrates after binding. A tight pocket must be formed by the two domains because light production needs water excluded from the active site to prevent intermolecular quenching of the excited-state product.

          Further research by Branchini et al. has shown a within the N-terminus domain consisting of 15 residues. Of these 15 residues, 6 ( K529, H245, T343, G315, G316, G341) are found in at least 50% of the 38 enzyme set from the study by Conti. et al. is thought to orient the carboxylate of D-LH2 in proximity to the α-phosphate of the ATP. is conserved in all luciferases and this glycine is located in a that most likely allows for conformational flexibility that is necessary for enzyme activity and substrate binding. Branchini et. al. suggest that makes electrostatic interactions with both D-LH2 and ATP (K529 side chain not fully available). The side chain of R218 is to the hydroxyl of S347 and the main carbonyl group of A348. This interaction is thought to bring α helix 7 of Subdomain A into with the β-hairpin motif (residues 340-344; mentioned in Conserved Residues section).

V. Color Emission Determination

Model View:

          Differences in the structure of particular luciferase enzymes play a key role in the color of the emitted light. Branchini et al., 2017 have found a single amino acid residue that responsible for the difference in color emission from yellow-green to orange: The change of to an F. The researchers used site-directed mutagenesis to show the 13nm redshift that F255 causes. This position 255 residue is located proximal to the substrate/emitter binding site.

          Another change from the positively charged residue to a negatively charged D residue also resulted in red bioluminescence. From this finding, Branchini et al. speculate that R218 maintains polarity and rigidity in the emitter binding site. This polarity and rigidity is necessary for the yellow-green emission in firefly luciferase.

          Changes in polarity of the active site regulate changes in emission colors, specifically changing the H-bond H2O networks. Branchini et. al. found that the lower the pH, the more redshift light emission occurred; changes in the H2O network may be responsible for this effect. In redshifted mutants, the H2O network loses one H-bond that then allows inhibitor DLSA, a dehydroluciferin-AMP analog(an intermediate in the luciferase reaction), to interact with . This is thought to be the possible difference between the H-bond networks of the red and green light emitting luciferases. Minor disruptions in the H-bond pattern like the one mentioned above could allow excited state proton transfer and quenching green light emission.

VI. References

Branchini, B.R., Magyar, R.A., Murtiashaw, M.H. and Portier, N.C. (2001). The role of active site residue arginine 218 in firefly luciferase bioluminescence. Biochem. 40, 2410-2418.

Branchini, B.R., Southworth, T.L., Murtiashaw, M.H., Boije, H. and Fleet, S.E. (2003). A mutagenesis study of the putative luciferin binding site residues of firefly luciferase. Biochem. 42, 10429-10436.

Branchini, B.R., Southworth, T.L., Fontaine, D.M., Murtiashaw, M.H., McGurk, A., Talukder, M.H., Qureshi, R., Yetil, D., Sundlov, J.A. and Gulick, A.M. (2017). Cloning of the orange light-producing luciferase from Photinus scintillans--a new proposal on how bioluminescence color is determined. Photochem. Photobio. 93, 479-485.

Conti, E., Franks, N.P. and Brick, P. (1996). Crystal structure of firefly luciferase throws light on a superfamily of adenylate-forming enzymes. Structure. 4, 287-298.

Nakatsu, T., Ichiyama, S., Hiratake, J., Saldanha, A., Kobashi, N., Skakta, K. and Kato, H. (2006). Structural basis for the spectral difference in luciferase bioluminescence. Nature. 440, 372-376.

Schmelz, S. and Naismith, J.H. (2009). Adenylate-forming enzymes. Struct. Bio. 19, 666-671.

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