IV. DNA Binding
A After molybdate binds to ModE, the structural changes
of the dimerization interface increase the affinity of ModE to
the DNA molecule. In specific, the helix-turn-helix motif in the
N-terminals of ModE will bind to the conserved DNA sequence
5'-CGTTATATTGTCGCCTACATAACG-3', which is the upstream DNA
segments of ModABCD operon.
ModE first identifies the palindromic recognition site of the
conserved sequence.(Figure2) Alpha3 of the helix-turn-helix motif then
binds to the major groove of the DNA. The wing of the motif
(amino acid residues 61-78)
interacts with the adjacent minor groove. Lysines residues on the wing
interact with the phosphate backbone of DNA. The binding lets
ModE bend the DNA slightly toward itself, and thus inhibits the
transcription of ModABCD operon.
Figure.2 A model of ModE interacting with double helix DNA. The DNA strands are purple and cyan, the palindromic DNA recognition site is black.Modified from
Pau et al. (1998).
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