Course Information - Fall 2008
Discussion board for Class Project
Possible Projects - Ideas
- Farmer's Market - expand the time during which the market
is available - in Mt Vernon, in Gambier?
- Raise Chickens at Kenyon - grow our own eggs
- Organic/local breakfast - prepare/serve breakfast on Saturday
mornings using local foods
- Organic/local dinner - prepare/serve dinner using local
- Master Plan - influence decisions on student housing
- Evaluate Food Service Plan - what is possible at Kenyon?
What do other colleges do? Coops?
- Green House - work with John Marsh to get a greenhouse
for local food production - research, planning, hands-on
- Off the Grid Community - research, propose a living unit
at Kenyon that is sustainable
Weekly Announcements
- Check in the Announcements section for updates
on where we meet and weekly assignments
Required Clothes and Books:
- You will need to be dressed appropriately to work on the farm - see the
list of clothes provided by Kate and Eric
- "The Ominvore's Dilemma" by Michael Pollan - the Bookstore has
ordered these and will let you know when they are available.