Kenyon College -- Department of Biology

Biol 237 - Experimental Animal Biology - Spring 2004
Instructor: Chris Gillen
310 Higley Hall
PBX 5399
email: GILLENC

last update - January 20, 2004 9:06 AM

Project instructions

Proper citation
Literature search guides
Gillen home page

Overview: Imagine that we have been commissioned to write some entries for an upcoming book, Interesting Invertebrates. The book will show how invertebrates are important to humans in many areas including: medicine, research, disease, agriculture, food, etc. Each important invertebrate will be covered in a section that integrates a discussion of the basic biology of the organism (classification, evolution, structure, life history, and/or physiology) with a description of the importance of the invertebrgate to humans. This project asks you to select an interesting invertebrate and write an entry.

Project proposal:

Project outline: Submit an outline of your entry. The outline should use complete sentences and should reflect the proposed organization of your entry. You must cite the references that you plan to use for each part of your entry. One typed page will problably be sufficient, and you may not exceed two typed pages (not including references). All text should be 10 or 12 point, 1.5 or 2 spaced with 1 inch margins. A minimum of 4 sources should be cited, and at least 2 must be primary literature articles.

Project draft: Submit a draft of your entry. As indicated above, your entry should integrate the fundamental biology of the organism with a discussion of the organism's importance to humans. For example, if the organism is an important agricultural pest, what aspects of its life history and physiology contribute to its importance as a pest? If the organism is an important experimental model system for biology research, what aspects of the organism's biology help make it a useful study organism. Your entry must include some discussion of recent primary literature. You may not exceed four typed pages (not including references). All text should be 10 or 12 point, 1.5 or 2 spaced with 1 inch margins. You may include one page with diagrams or figures that you have drawn (do not include figures from other sources). A minimum of 4 sources should be cited, and at least 2 must be primary literature articles.

Final project: Rewrite and revise your project draft. Excellent final prjects will have the following characterisitics:


Literature search guides:

Links to several literature search guides are given below. These were all written for other classes, but you will easily be able to adapt them to this project:

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