Check List for Preparing Independent Project Paper
- includes scientific name of species studied
- includes factors manipulated
- includes parameters measured
- introduction begins with a general question or problem and develops rationale from evidence in the primary
literature for the current study.
- background cited leads to purpose of study and is well integrated into text
- citations appropriately used
- focus of study clearly stated - quest/hypoth or expectations
- organized in blocks: organism, design rationale, methodologies, and statistics
- briefly states purpose of experiment
- sufficient detail in a condensed format given for knowledgeable person to replicate study (include vendors
and name brands of special equipment used)
- experimental design - treatments - rationale - sample size - control
- data collected/exceptions
- statistics used
- text clearly summarizes trends and relationships rather than a listing (most often the sequence in which you
acquired the data is not the sequence you will directly report in your paper)
- topic sentences used to orient reader
- qualitative (descriptive) results are presented (where applicable)
- experimental groups are compared to controls and quantitative data provided
- nature of significant interactions explained (where applicable)
- statistical results appropriately presented
- emphasis is on biological results, not statistical tests
- figures/tables cited in text
- captions of tables and figures describe contents and conditions
- units of measure given for each column/axis
- labels - column/axis
- standard error or 95% CI, sample size
- statistical results - include test name and p value.
- relates results to original quest/hypoth
- provides interpretation of results and explains how they fit into our current body of knowledge
- points out contradictions and suggest reasons for them
- uses evidence from the primary literature to explain results
- considers the most problematic experimental design problems, omissions, or errors that might have resulted
in unexpected results or would improve reliability.
- suggests future studies stemming from significant results or lack of results.
Acknowledgments:Be explicit about who did what.
- primary literature, avoid use of secondary sources such as media and the web.
- correct form
- includes only cited papers
- all cited papers included
Appendix: contains computer printouts of raw
data and analysis