Biology 367: Experimental Cell Biology

Course Outline

Instructor: Harry Itagaki

Office: 107 Biology

Tel.: PBX 5394

Email: itagaki

Date   Laboratory
1/17   Introduction
1/24   Membrane Potential & Nernst/Goldman Equations I (Electrical properties of cells; ion distributions)
1/31   Membrane Potential & Nernst/Goldman Equations II (Supplemental Reading on ERES)
2/7   Functional Partitioning in the Cytoplasm &Mitochondria I (Enzymatics; differential centrifugation)
2/14   Functional Partitioning in the Cytoplasm & Mitochondria II
2/21   Protein Separation I: Separation and Purification of Erythrocyte Proteins (Gel electrophoresis)
2/28   Catch-up day
3/1-3/16   Spring Break
3/21   Protein Separation II: Identification of Erythrocyte Proteins(Western blotting) (Gel from last week; anti-spectrin blot; anti-tubulin blot; Supplemental reading: spectrin; dematin; band 4.1 protein)
3/28   Cell Culture of Embryonic Chick Cells I (Cell culture techniques)
4/4   Cell Culture of Embryonic Chick Cells II: Localization of Proteins (Immunocytochemistry)
4/11   Cell Cycle protein expression in Yeast I
4/18   Cell Cycle protein expression in Yeast II
4/25   Cell Cycle protein expression in Yeast III (Gels and Western blots from last week: our SBY454 coomassie; our SBY454 western; good SBY454 western; our PY147 coomassie; our PY147 western; good PY147 western)
5/2   Wrap-Up Day

Biology 367

Experimental Cell Biology: Course Description

Instructor: Harry Itagaki

107 Biology, PBX 5394

About the Laboratory: This laboratory course is designed to complement the lecture course offered in the same semester. The topics covered in the laboratory will expose the student to many of the standard cell physiological and biological techniques used by researchers. In order to give the students time to become familiar with a given technique and preparation, we will spend several weeks working on a number of preparations. There will also be opportunities to do small, independent experiments designed by you during the semester.

Nuts and Bolts: The course requirements include 2 lab reports (see the Department of Biology style manual on Biol 109 website), to be written on two of the lab segments. The lab reports (approx. 10 pages) must be written in the format of a scientific research paper, with an Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion, and References. They will be due two weeks after the end of the given laboratory segment. There will also be short lab worksheets for all of the segments to be handed in two weeks after the lab segment.

The final grade will depend on the quality of the lab reports, the short write-ups, the laboratory notebook, and on class participation. The weighting of the assignments are as follows:

Lab Report #1: 25%
Lab Report #2 25%
Short write-ups: 30%
The lab notebook: 10%
Class participation: 10%

There will be no final exam.

Lateness Penalty: In accordance with the departmental standards, I will assess a penalty of 1/3 grade point per day for late assignments. So, if an "A" paper/assignment is 1 day late, it will become an "A-.". Two days late, it will become a "B+."

Attendance: Attendance is expected, and will be recorded. Look at your schedules (esp. athletes!) and let me know if you anticipate conflicts.

Text: The laboratory has no assigned text, but will draw upon materials covered in the lecture portion of the course. The protocols for each preparation will be handed out a week before the start of a given segment. It is expected that students will read and be familiar with the protocols in the lab before they start. Over the course of the semester, there also will be assigned some original papers that will complement the work being done in the laboratory.

Academic Honesty: Plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Please make sure that you have read carefully the Academic Honesty Guidelines in the 2002-2003 Course of Study. If you have any questions, please see me!