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This tree was produced using BLAST pairwise alignments. more...

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Algorithm used to produce a tree from a given matrix of distances. For BLASTN or megaBLAST the Jukes-Cantor method is used to calculate the distances, for all other programs the Kimura method is used.
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Text used in the tree to describe the sequences. Blast Names are informal high level taxonomic categories. The color of the terminal node indicates the Blast Name of a sequence.
  Help:Max Seq Difference
Fraction of mismatching letters in the tree.This value is known as the "difference" and is used to calculate the "distance"between any two sequences in the alignment.The current method used to calculate a distance allows at most a maximum difference of 0.75.To see sequences not used in constructing the tree use the "Show removed sequences" link.

rectangle  slanted  radial  force  Mouse over an internal node for a subtree or alignment red-sensitive retinal pigment [Geotria australis]red cone visual pigment; rhodopsin [Ambystoma tigrinum]opsin 1 (cone pigments), long-wave-sensitive (color blindness, protan) [Xenopus tropicalis]red-sensitive cone opsin [Xenopus laevis]red-sensitive visual pigment LWS [synthetic construct]putative red sensitive opsin LWS [Oreochromis niloticus]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Gaurochromis angustifrons]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Thoracochromis pharyngalis]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Astatotiliapia aeneocolor]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Harpagochromis squamipinnis]putative red sensitive opsin LWS [Dimidiochromis compressiceps]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Tramitichromis intermedius]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Pseudotropheus acei]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Melanochromis vermivorus]putative red sensitive opsin LWS [Metriaclima zebra]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Pundamilia nyererei]putative red sensitive visual pigment [Prognathochromis sp. putative red sensitive visual pigment [Paralabidochromis cyaneus]long wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Ophthalmotilapia ventralis]unnamed protein product [Tetraodon nigroviridis]M/LWS type opsin LWS-B [Oryzias latipes]KFH-R protein [Oryzias latipes]M/LWS type opsin LWS-A [Oryzias latipes]red-sensitive opsin [Cyprinus carpio]Red-sensitive opsin (Red cone photoreceptor pigment)Red-sensitive opsin (Red cone photoreceptor pigment)opsin 1 (cone pigments), long-wave-sensitive (color blindness, protan) [Gallus gallus]iodopsin [Gallus gallus]iodopsin2LWS opsin [Columba livia]LWS opsin [Taeniopygia guttata]PREDICTED: similar to long wavelength sensitive [Ornithorhynchus anatinus]long-wave sensitive opsin [Isoodon obesulus]long-wave sensitive opsin [Cercartetus concinnus]long-wave sensitive opsin [Tarsipes rostratus]long-wave sensitive opsin [Myrmecobius fasciatus]long-wave sensitive opsin [Setonix brachyurus]medium wave-sensitive opsin 1 [Macropus eugenii]long-wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Trichechus manatus]LWS pigment [Loxodonta africana]color vision opsin [Galago senegalensis]red-green sensitive cone visual pigment [Otolemur crassicaudatus]green cone pigment opsin [Spalax ehrenbergi]opsin 1 (cone pigments), medium-wave-sensitive (color blindness, deutan) [Rattus norvegicus]opsin 1, medium-wave-sensitive [Mus musculus]opsin 1 (cone pigments), medium-wave-sensitive (color blindness, deutan) [Mus musculus]unnamed protein product [Mus musculus]Green-sensitive opsin (Green cone photoreceptor pigment) (Medium wavelength-sensitive cone opsin)Green-sensitive opsin (Green cone photoreceptor pigment) (Medium wavelength-sensitive cone opsin)medium-wave-sensitive opsin [Spermophilus tridecemlineatus]Green-sensitive opsin (Green cone photoreceptor pigment) (Medium wavelength-sensitive cone opsin)visual pigment [Leptonychotes weddellii]visual pigment [Mirounga angustirostris]long-wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Phoca groenlandica]long-wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Phoca vitulina]long-wavelength cone opsin [Phoca vitulina]visual pigment [Phoca hispida]visual pigment [Erignathus barbatus]visual pigment [Zalophus californianus]visual pigment [Odobenus rosmarus]PREDICTED: similar to Green-sensitive opsin (Green cone photoreceptor pigment) [Canis familiaris]visual pigment [Ursus maritimus]green opsin [Equus caballus]opsin 1 (cone pigments), long-wave-sensitive (color blindness, protan) [Bos taurus]Red-sensitive opsin (Red cone photoreceptor pigment)green opsin [Odocoileus virginianus]medium-wave-sensitive opsin [Sus scrofa]long-wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Phocoena phocoena]long-wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Delphinus delphis]long-wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Globicephala melas]long-wavelength sensitive cone opsin [Tursiops truncatus]opsin 1 (cone pigments), long-wave-sensitive [Felis catus]visual pigment [Enhydra lutris]X-linked visual pigment protein P543 [Callithrix jacchus]red-green sensitive cone visual pigment [Aotus lemurinus griseimembra]X-linked visual pigment protein P556 [Callithrix jacchus]X-linked visual pigment protein P556 [Saguinus mystax]X-linked visual pigment protein P543 [Saguinus mystax]P545 red-green cone opsin [Cebus capucinus]X-linked visual pigment protein P550 [Saimiri sciureus]X-linked visual pigment protein P535 [Saimiri sciureus]P530 red-green cone opsin [Cebus capucinus]X-linked visual pigment protein P550 [Cebus olivaceus]X-linked visual pigment protein P535 [Cebus olivaceus]P560 red-green cone opsin [Cebus capucinus]X-linked visual pigment protein P561 [Callithrix jacchus]Opsin, longwave 563 nmX-linked visual pigment protein P561 [Saguinus mystax]X-linked visual pigment protein P561 [Cebus olivaceus]X-linked visual pigment protein P561 [Saimiri sciureus]P560 red-green cone opsin [Ateles geoffroyi]P552 red-green cone opsin [Ateles geoffroyi]hCG41347 [Homo sapiens]opsin 1 (cone pigments), medium-wave-sensitive (color blindness, deutan) [Homo sapiens]MW opsin [Macaca fascicularis]LW/MW hybrid opsin [Macaca fascicularis]LW opsin [Macaca fascicularis]PREDICTED: opsin 1 (cone pigments), long-wave-sensitive (color blindness, protan) [Pan troglodytes]opsin 1 (cone pigments), long-wave-sensitive (color blindness, protan) [Homo sapiens]unnamed protein product(query)hypothetical protein [Homo sapiens]
Blast names color map
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