M. Siobhan
Associate Professor (2002 - Present)
Biology Department
Kenyon College
Gambier, Ohio 43022
(740) 427-5455 (phone)
(740) 427-5741 (fax)
The Ohio State
University, Columbus, Ohio:
Ph.D. Environmental Science, December 1991. Presidential Fellow, 1990-1991.
Title: Ecosystem Development in
Restored Riparian Wetlands.
B.S. Botany, March, 1986
Kenyon College, Department of Biology, 1998 – present. Associate Professor 2002–present, Chair of Biology, 2003 - 2005, Assistant Professor, 1998-2002, Teaching ecology and environmental studies,
Kenyon College, Environmental Studies Program, Director, 2001- 2004; 2006 –
Ohio State University,
School of the Environment and Natural Resources, Adjunct Assistant Professor, 1994-present. School of Natural Resources, The Ohio
State University and faculty of The Ohio State University Center for Mapping.
Ohio Environmental
Protection Agency, 1993‑1998, Environmental Specialist for Research and Policy
Development, Wetland ecologist/aquatic biologist with The Ohio Environmental
Protection Agency. Wrote state
rules protecting wetlands and developed the stateÕs wetland biological
assessment program.
University College
London, Department of Geography, 1991 – 1993, Assistant Professor (Lecturer), Department of Geography, University College London, University
of London. Taught undergraduate
courses on Environmental Hydrology, Hydrological Systems Management,
International Geographical Problems and a graduate level course on Wetland
Ecology and Restoration. Tutor for
small group (5) undergraduate and graduate students.
Station Biologique de
la Tour du Valat, 1991 – 1993, Research Biologist, Concurrent research
appointment at the Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat, Arles, France. Conducted research on the ecology,
hydrology and sustainable use of deltaic Mediterranean wetlands. Work included development of a research
program on wetland hydrology, restoration, and ecosystem modeling. Led workshops and seminars.
GRANTS FUNDED (bold indicates
funded while at Kenyon)
2007 U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. $35,000. Ohio Center for Wetland and River
Restoration. Teaching, Research and Outreach Initiative 2006-07. Kenyon Component: River ecology and monitoring in the
Kokosing Watershed.
2006. U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. $83,500. Using wetland
assessment information to identify ecologically important wetlands for
protection and integration with restoration planning along an urbanization
gradient. Subcontract with the
Cuyahoga River Remedial Action Plan committee.
2005 U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Managed Ecosystems Program. $410,000. Establishment
of Plant- and microbial- mediated functions in wetlands: a comparative and
mechanistic study to provide guidance for wetland restoration. (with University
of New Hampshire and Ohio State University)
2004 U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, $284,000. Testing probabilistic sampling design
for whole watershed wetland assessment.
Environmental Protection Agency. $130,000.
Development of Rapid Assessment Methods for State Wetland Monitoring
Programs. With Mary Kentula and
Amy Jacobs.
2002 U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, $ 29,000.
Watershed Assessment of Wetlands using a Probabilitic Sampling Design
(partnered with Ohio Environmental Protection Agency).
2001 The Horatio B. Ebert
Charitable Foundation, $10,000 A Gift for Teaching
Ecology in the Liberal Arts Curriculum (2nd award). 3rd Award (2003), $5,000, 4th
Award (2004), $5,000.
2000 U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, $50,000. Using wetland bioindicators and biogeochemical studies
to evaluate success in wetland restoration projects.
2000 The Horatio B. Ebert
Charitable Foundation, $10,000. A
Gift for Teaching Ecology in the Liberal Arts Curriculum.
2000 The
Denison-Kenyon Mellon Program, $15,000. GIS Worshops for Enhancing Spatial Analysis in the
Classroom. (Collaborating Faculty Karl
1999 Ohio Board of Regents, $1,000,000. Establishment of the Ohio Center for Wetland and River
Restoration at the Olentangy River Wetland Research Park (Co-principal
investigator with W. Mitsch, J. Amon, D. Deal, and C. Willis).
1999 The Denison-Kenyon Mellon
Program, $8,750. Developing Collaborative Capacity with Geographic
Information Systems.
1999 The Environmental Policy
Initiative (OARDC), $10,000.
Ecological and Economic Analysis of Natural Capital: Analyzing and
Modeling the Substitutability of Constructed Wetlands for Natural Sites
(Co-principal investigator with F.
1997 U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, $90,000. The Ecological
Assessment of Wetlands using Wetland Reference Sites ‑ continuation of
project. Second Award for
1996 U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, $190,000 The Ecological
Assessment of Wetlands using Wetland Reference Sites.
1995 U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, $78,000. Testing the Floristic Quality Assessment Index as an Indicator
of Riparian Ecosystem Health.
1995 U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, $89,000. The
Identification of Wetland Restoration Sites in the Cuyahoga River Watershed,
Ohio: a landscape analysis using GIS (with Dr. Dale White).
1992 World Wildlife Fund, UK,
$4,100. Wetlands and Nutrient
Stripping: science and policy implications for the United Kingdom.
1992 Ove Arup for the United Kingdom
Department of Transport, $45,000.
The Hydrology of the Isle of Sheppey Coastal Wetlands: Impacts and Enhancement
Possibilities of the A249 Iwade to Queensborough Project.
Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat,
France, $17,000. Ecological studies of Mediterranean Coastal
2007 - Resource Allocation and
Assessment Subcommitte
2006 – present Co-Director, Brown Family Enviromental
2003-2005 Chair of the Biology
2001- present Chair of the
Environmental Studies Concentration
(on-leave 2005-2006)
2001-2005 Campus Design Committee
2001-2002 Library and
Information Systems subcomittee
2002- 2004 College Senate
Planning Committee for President Georgia S. Nugent
2001-2003 Knowledge Works
(Gates Foundation ) Committee to develop early college proposal
1999 - 2001 Committee for Academic
Standards and the Petitions Subcommittee
1998 - 1999 Technology subcommittee of
the Curriculum Policy Committee
2007 – Elected President-Elect
of the North Central Chapter of the Society of Wetland Scientists
2004 Performed external
review of HawaiÕi Pacific UniversityÕs Environmental Science Department and
Program, November 22-24.
2004 – present Invited Advisory member, Mid-Atlantic
Wetland Workgroup (8 state research consortium).
2004 Invited member of grant
review panel, STAR grant program, U.S.EPA
1997 ‑ 2002: U.S. EPA National Technical
Workgroup on the Biological Assessment of Wetland Ecosystems (appointed)
1995 ‑ 2002: International
Committee of the Society of Wetland Scientists (appointed)
1997 ‑ 1998: Wetland
Assessment Project Coordinating Committee, Association of State Wetland
Managers (appointed)
1994 ‑ 1996: Tillamook
Bay National Estuarine Project Watershed Scientific and Technical Advisory
Committee, Tillamook, Oregon (appointed)
1994 ‑ 1996: Advisory
Committee of The Wetlands Initiative, a project to restore wetlands in the
Great Lakes Watershed, Chicago, Illinois
Society of America
Institute of Biological Sciences
of Wetland Scientists
for Ecological Restoration
Recipient of the Robert J. Tomsich Science Award for excellence in scientific
research, 2001
Invited speaker for Kenyon College Founders Day, 2002
Finalist for the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council
to investigate Innovative Approaches to Integrated Watershed Management, 1995
Certified by the Society of Wetland Scientists as a Professional Wetland
Scientist, 1995
Ohio State University Presidential Fellowship for Outstanding Doctoral
Research, 1990.
Morton L. Ryerson Fellowship.
Awarded by the Lake County Forest Preserve District, Lake County,
Illinois. 1988.
– 1993. Book review
Ecological Engineering: the Journal of Ecosystem Restoration
2006- present. Associate editor, Wetlands
J.K. and M. S. Fennessy. 2001 Wetland
Plants: Biology and Ecology. CRC Press/Lewis Publishers. Boca Raton, FL.
440 pages.
M., F. Evrendilek, and S. Fennessy. Environmental Science: Issues and Solutions. Taylor and Francis, CRC Press. In prep,
expected publishing date summer 2008.
Kenyon Students
Indicated in Bold
Fennessy, M. S. and E. R.
Herbert. 2007. Restoration of
freshwater and estuarine wetlands. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. John Wiley
& Sons, Chichester, UK. (in press).
Deimeke, L., J. Bishop, J. Mack, and S. Fennessy. Ecosystem
condition as a function of landuse: evidence for differential response due to
HGM class. In preparation for
special issue of Environmental Management.
J.K. and M. S. Fennessy. 2007. Plants of
Wetlands. Encyclopedia of
Inland Waters, G. Likens, editor-in-Cheif. Elsevier Limited, Oxford, UK. (in press).
Fennessy, S. Jacobs, A.
and M. Kentula. 2007. An evaluation of rapid methods for assessing the
ecological condition of wetlands.
Wetlands 27: 504 – 521.
Haag, W., R. DiStefano,
S. Fennessy, and B. Marshall. (in press).
Invertebrates and Plants: methods and applications. Pgs x-xx In Fisheries Techniques, 3rd
Edition (Zale, A., D. Parrish, and T. Sutton, eds.). American Fisheries Society. Bethesday, MD.
Fennessy, S., A.
and J. Mack. Decomposition and
nutrient cycles in natural and restored wetlands: a functional analysis. Wetlands: in review.
Fennessy, M.S., E.R.
Heithaus, and R.A. Mauck. 2007. Teaching the Natural Sciences with GIS.
Biology: Spatial investigations of populations and landscapes. Pgs 171-184 In Understanding Place:
GIS and Mapping Across the Curriculum (Sinton, D.S., and J.J. Lund,
eds.). ESRI Press, Redlands, CA.
White, D. and M.S.
Fennessy. 2005. Suitability of
wetland restoration potential at the watershed scale. Ecological Engineering 24:359-377.
Fennessy, M.S., A.D.
Jacobs, and M.K. Kentula. 2004. Review of rapid methods for assessing wetland
condition. EPA/620/R-04/009/ U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington,
Lopez, R. and M. S.
Fennessy. 2002. Testing the
Floristic Quality Assessment Index as an indicator of wetland condition along
gradients of human influence.
Ecological Applications 12: 487-497.
Lopez, R., C. Davis and
M. S. Fennessy. 2002 Ecological
relationships between fragmented landscape attributes and plant guilds in
depressional wetlands. Landscape Ecology: 17:43-56.
Fennessy, M. S., M.
Gernes, J. Mack, and D. Heller-Wardrop. 2002. Using vegetation to assess
environmental conditions in wetlands. EPA 843-B-00-0002j. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;
Office of Water, Washington, DC.
Fennessy, M. S. and W.
J. Mitsch. 2001. Effects of
hydrology on spatial patterns of soil development in created riparian
wetlands. Wetlands Ecology and
Management 9:103-120.
Agnew, C., and M. S. Fennessy. 2001. Climate change and nature conservation. Pages 273 - 304 In A. Warren and J.
French, ed. Habitat Conservation:
Managing the Physical
Environment. J. Wiley & Sons,
Ltd. Chichester, UK.
Fennessy, M. S., and J.
K. Cronk . 1997 The effectiveness
and restoration potential of riparian ecotones for the management of nonpoint
source pollution, particularly nitrate. Critical Reviews in Environmental
Science and Technology 27:285‑317.
Fennessy, M. S., J. K.
Cronk, and W. J. Mitsch. 1994. Productivity and macrophyte community dynamics
in created wetlands subjected to experimental hydrologic regimes. Ecological
Engineering: the Journal of Ecotechnology
Fennessy, M. S., C.
Brueske, and W. J. Mitsch. 1994.
Sediment deposition patterns in restored freshwater wetlands using
sediment traps. Ecological
Engineering: the Journal of Ecotechnology 3: 409‑428.
Fennessy, M. S., G. K.
Sims, and S. R. Kehrmeyer. 1992. A
model laboratory system for teaching concepts important in Soil Microbiology. Journal
of Natural Resources and Life Science Education 21:79‑83.
Mitsch, W. J. and M. S.
Fennessy. 1991. Modelling nutrient cycling in wetlands. Pages 249 ‑ 276 In S. E. Jorgensen ed. Developments in Ecological Modelling
17: Chemical Cycling in the Environment.
Elsevier, Amsterdam.
Baker, K. A., M. S. Fennessy, W. J. Mitsch. 1991.
Designing wetlands for controlling coal mine drainage: an ecologic‑economic
modelling approach. Ecological Economics
3: 1‑24.
Reprinted in: The
Development of Ecological Economics. 1997. R. Costanza, C. Perrings and C. Cleveland editors. E. Elgar Publishing, LTD.
Fennessy, M. S. and W.
J. Mitsch. 1989. Treating coal
mine drainage with an artificial wetland.
Journal of the Water Pollution Control Federation 61:1691‑1701.
Fennessy M. S., and W.
J. Mitsch. 1989. Design and use of wetlands for renovation of drainage from
coal mines. Pages
231‑254 In
S. E. J¿rgensen and W. J. Mitsch, eds. Ecological
Engineering: An Introduction to Ecotechnology. J. Wiley, New York.
Kenyon Students
Indicated in Bold
Fennessy, M. S.
2007. Teaching nitrogen
biogeochemistry in aquatic ecology courses. In Proceedins of the 27th
Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, June 10 - 15, 2007. Sacramento, CA. (Invited Symposium).
Herbert, E., S. Fennessy, J. Rosenbluth, V. Bouchard, K.
Hossler. 2007. Establishment of
microbially mediated functions in restored wetlands: a comparative and
mechanistic study. In Proceedins of the 27th
Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, June 10 - 15, 2007. Sacramento, CA.
Rosenbluth, J., E. Herbert, S. Burns, and S. Fennessy.
2007. Controls on decomposition in
restored and natural wetlands: implications for biogeochemical cycling In Proceedins of the 27th
Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, June 10 - 15, 2007. Sacramento, CA.
Deimeke, E., S. Fennessy, and J.
Bishop. 2007. Assessing the
ecological condition of wetlands on a watershed basis. In Proceedins of the 27th
Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, June 10 - 15, 2007. Sacramento, CA.
Rokosch, A., R. Dick, S. Fennessy.
2007. The use of soil parameters as indicators of condition in forest
depressional wetlands. In Proceedins of the 27th Society of
Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting,
June 10 - 15, 2007. Sacramento, CA.
Symposium Chair, Society of Wetland
Scientists Annual Meeting, July 2006.
Using Rapid Indicator to Document the Ecological Integrity of
Wetlands. Cairns, Australia.
Rheinhardt, R. and S.
Fennessy. 2006. Rapid Indicators: what works and what
doesnÕt? In Proceedins of the 26th
Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Meeting, July, 2006.
Cairns, Australia (Invited Symposium).
Fennessy, M. S., A. Jacobs, M. Kentula. 2004. An analysis of existing rapid
methods for assessing wetland condition.
Page 7 In Proceedings of the 25nd SWS Conference, 18-23 July, Seattle, WA
(Invited Symposium).
Fennessy, M. S. 2004. Translating an assessment of
wetland mitigation success into performance standards. Page 21 in The Changing Landscapes of Oceans and Freshwater, The
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography annual meeting, 13-18 June,
Savannah, GA. (Invited Symposium).
Craft, C.B., I.A.
Mendelssohn, and M.S. Fennessy. 2004.
Vegetation Ecology in Wetlands. Pg. 16 In The Changing Landscapes
of Oceans and Freshwater, The American Society of Limnology and Oceanography
annual meeting, 13-18 June, Savannah, GA. (Invited Symposium).
Ward, E. and S. Fennessy. 2003.
Wetland ecosystem response to landscape change: functional and structural
indicators. Page 20 In Proceedings of the 24nd SWS Conference, 8-13 June, New Orleans,
Fennessy, M. S.
2003. Wetland restoration at a
hierarchy of scales. Presented at
the Ohio State University Wetlands Invitational, May 13-15. (Invited
Nahlik, A. and S. Fennessy. 2002. Using amphibians as indicators of wetland restoration
success. Proceedings of the 23rd SWS Conference, 2-7 June, Lake
Placid, NY.
** This poster won
the Best Student Poster Award at the meeting.
Fennessy, M.S and A.
2001. Linking measures of wetland ecosystem integrity with ecosystem
processes. Changing Wetlands
Conference, the British Ecological Society. Sheffield UK. September 11-13,
Rokosch, A. and M.S. Fennessy
2001. Testing biological
indicators to assess the impact of habitat fragmentation on wetland
ecosystems. Page 20 In Proceedings of the 22nd SWS Conference. 27 May - 1 June, Chicago, IL.
Book, J.A. and M.S. Fennessy
2001. The effects of wetland mitigation on amphibian species richness. Page 4 In Proceedings of the 22nd SWS Conference. 27 May - 1 June, Chicago, IL.
Bush, C. and M. S.
Fennessy. 2000. Effects of plant
diversity on wetland ecosystem processes. Page 232 In Proceedings of the INTECOL V International Wetlands
Syposium and 21st SWS Conference. 6 - 12 September.
Quebec, Canada.
*Marx, L. and M. S.
Fennessy. 2000. The effects of mycorrhizal inoculation
on the growth of a perennial wetland grass. Page 233 In Proceedings of the INTECOL V International Wetlands Syposium
and 21st SWS Conference.
6 - 12 September. Quebec,
Fennessy, M.S., J. Mack, and R.
Lopez. 1999. Developing indicators to evaluate
wetland ecosystem condition using reference sites. Page A-15 In Proceedings of the Society
of Wetland Scientists, June 6 - 12, Norfolk, VA.
Fennessy, M. S., C.
Crook and M. Micacchion.
1997. Using floristics as
an indicator of wetland condition in the agricultural midwest. Page 58 In Proceedings of the
Society of Wetland Scientists, June 1 ‑ 6, Bozeman, MT.
Fennessy, M. S.
1997. Applying concepts derived
from the development of stream biological indicators to wetland
ecosystems. Pages 29 ‑ 30 In Proceedings of the
Association of State Wetland Managers, The Future of Wetland Assessment. Annapolis, MD, U.S.A.
Fennessy, M. S. and C.
Yoder. 1996. Can we apply concepts from the
development of biological criteria in Ohio streams and rivers to wetlands. Pages 21‑22 In Wetlands: Biological Assessment Methods
and Criteria Development Workshop, U.S. EPA, September 18 ‑ 20, Boulder, CO.
Fennessy, M. S.
1992. Spatial reorganization of
soil nutrients as a function of hydrology in four restored wetlands. Page 114 In Proceedings of the INTECOL IV
International Wetlands Conference.
13 ‑ 18 September.
Columbus, Ohio. U.S.A.
Cronk, J. K. and M. S.
Fennessy. 1992. Spatial
distribution of phosphorus in the water column and sediments of four
constructed freshwater wetlands.
Eighth Annual Scientific Symposium of the Ohio River Basin Consortium
for Research and Education. 12 ‑
14 November. Cincinnati, Ohio. U.S.A
Fennessy, M. S. and W.
J. Mitsch. 1991. Spatial patterns of phosphorus
bioavailability and sedimentation as a function of hydrology in four
constructed freshwater wetlands.
Proceedings of the Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium. 11 ‑ 13 February. Baton Rouge, La. U.S.A.
Mitsch, W. J., R.
Kadlec, D. L. Hey, K. R. Barrett, and M. S. Fennessy. 1991. Chemical mass balances of constructed riverine wetlands ‑
the role of hydrologic and seasonal conditions. Proceedings of the Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium. 11 ‑ 13 February. Baton Rouge, La. U.S.A.
Fennessy, M. S.
1990. Placement of wetlands in a
landscape for water quality improvement: implications of soil characteristics
on the ability of wetlands to retain nutrients. Fifth Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium. Miami University, Oxford, Ohio. March 21 ‑ 24.
Mitsch, W. J. and M. S.
Fennessy. 1990. Wetlands for
control of coal mine drainage in Ohio.
Pages 307 ‑ 308 In
and Development: the sustainable use of wetland resources. Proceedings of the Third International Wetlands
Conference. 19 ‑ 23 September.
Rennes, France.
Fennessy, M.S., J. J.
Mack, M. T. Sullivan, E. Deimeke,
M. Cohen, M. Micacchion, and M. Knapp.
2007. Assessment of
wetlands in the Cuyahoga River watershed of northeast Ohio (A probabilistic
sampling approach). Ohio EPA
Technical Report WET/2007-4. Ohio
Environmental Protection Agency, Division of Surface Water, Wetland Ecology
Group, Columbus, Ohio.
Fennessy, M. S., J. J.
Mack, A. Rokosch, M. Knapp, and M. Micacchion. 2004. Biogeochemical and hydrological investigations of natural
and mitigation wetlands. Ohio EPA
Technical Report WET/2004-5. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Wetlands
Ecology Unit, Division of Surface Water, Columbus, OH (www.epa.state.oh.us/dsw/401/).
Mack, J. J., M S.
Fennessy, M. Micacchion, and D. Porej. 2004. Standardized monitoring protocols, data analysis and
reporting requirements for mitigation wetlands in Ohio, v. 1.0. Ohio EPA
Technical Report WET/2004-6. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Wetlands
Ecology Unit, Division of Surface Water, Columbus, OH (www.epa.state.oh.us/dsw/401/).
Fennessy, M. S., M. A.
Gray, and R. D. Lopez. 1998.
An ecological assessment of wetlands using reference sites. Volumes 1 and 2. Ohio Environmental
Protection Agency Technical Bulletin. Division of Surface Water, Wetlands
Ecology Unit. Columbus, OH
Fennessy, M. S., B.
Elifritz and R. Lopez. 1998. Testing the Floristic Quality
Assessment Index as an Indicator of Riparian Wetland Disturbance. Ohio
Environmental Protection Agency Technical Bulletin. Division of Surface Water,
Wetlands Ecology Unit. Columbus,
OH (www.epa.state.oh.us/dsw/401/).
Fennessy, M. S.
1997. A Functional Assessment of
Mitigation Wetlands in Ohio:
Comparisons with natural systems. Ohio Environmental Protection Agency
Technical Bulletin. Division of Surface Water, Wetlands Ecology Unit. Columbus, OH
Fennessy, M. S.
1996. A Functional Assessment of
Ohio=s Wetlands using Reference Sites: A Hydrogeomorphic Approach: Quality Assurance Project
Plan. QA/QC submitted to U.S. EPA,
Region V, Chicago, Il.
Smith, R. and M. S.
Fennessy. 1996. N‑species
transfers in groundwater in the riparian zone of the Olentangy River. 1995 Annual Report of the Olentangy
River Wetland Research Park at the Ohio State University.
Fennessy, M. S. 1995.
Testing the Floristic Quality Assessment Index as an Indicator of Riparian
Wetland Disturbance: Quality Assurance Project Plan. QA/QC submitted to U.S.
EPA, Region V, Chicago, Il.
Fennessy, M. S.
1993. Use of Riparian Wetland
Buffer Zones to Control Nonpoint Source Nitrate Pollution. Final Report to the World Wildlife Fund
UK. Surrey, UK.
Hollis, G.E., M. S.
Fennessy and J. Thompson. 1993.
The Hydrology of the Isle of Sheppey Grazing Marshes (A249 Iwade to
Queensborough, UK). Final Report
for the UK Department of Transport. London, UK.
Fennessy, M. S.
1992. Spatial Patterns of Soil
Chemistry Development in Restored Freshwater Wetlands. Volume 4, Chapter 1, in The Des Plaines
River Wetlands Demonstration Project.
Chicago IL. Wetlands
Research, Inc.
Mitsch, W.J., M. S. Fennessy, J. K. Cronk, et
al. 1992. Final Report on the Ecosystem Studies
of the Des Plaines River Experimental Wetlands ‑ 1990/92. Report to Wetlands Research, Inc. Chicago, Il.
Mitsch, W.J., M. S. Fennessy, and J. K. Cronk. 1990. Ecosystem Studies of the Des Plaines River Experimental
Wetlands ‑ 1989/90. Report
to Wetlands Research, Inc.
Chicago, Il.
Mitsch, W.J., J. K.
Cronk, M. S. Fennessy, and G. Snyder.
1990. Wetlands for the
Control of Nonpoint Source Pollution: Preliminary feasibility study for Swan
Creek Watershed of Northwestern Ohio.
Report to the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, P.O. Number
Fennessy, M. S.
1989. The Des Plaines River
Wetlands Demonstration Project: Soil and Vegetation Geostatistical Analysis and
Mapping. Final Report to Ryerson
Fellowship Committee. Chicago, IL.
2007. Assessing the
ecological condition of wetlands at the watershed scale using a rapid
assessment method: the Cuyahoga River Watershed as a case study. Ninth annual Ecological Monitoring and
Assessment Program, April 10 – 12. Washington, D.C.
2007. Wetland assessment
at the regional scale and the impact of urbanization. Invited plenary speaker, Ohio Environmental Council Clean
Water Conference, Feb. 2-3.
2006. Verification and
monitoring of wetland performance in water quality trading programs: How can we be certain of result? Meeting sponsored by U.S.EPA and the
Environmental Law Institute, February 13-14, 2006.
2006. An assessment of
mitigation wetland performance. Meeting of Environmental Law Institute,
Washington, D.C., May 22-23.
2005. Linking measures
of ecosystem integrity and biogeochemical cycles in natural and restored
wetlands. Invited seminar,
Mississippi State University.
March 10.
2005. Linking measures
of ecosystem integrity and biogeochemical cycles in natural and restored wetlands. Invited seminar, University of
Mississippi. March 11.
2004. Review and Implementation of rapid assessment
methods in the California State wetland monitoring program. Invited presentation and workshop,
March 16-17, Sacramento, CA.
2003. A biogeochemical
analysis of wetland restoration projects.
Invited seminar, Biology Department, College of Wooster. September,
2003. Wetland biological assessment. Invited workshop leader, Coer dÕAlene,
ID. National Water Quality and Assessment Workshop.
2000. Using patterns in plant communities to
indicate ecological integrity. Massachusetts Bays Program conference Using
Biology to Signal Ecological Health. November 1-2, 2000.
2000. Wetland restoration using landscape
profiles. Invited panelist U.S.
EPA Workshop, The Design and Monitoring of Best Management Practices for
Wetlands: Use of Landscape Profiles.
September 14-15, Seattle, WA.
1999. Assessing wetland ecosystem condition:
the link between diversity and ecosystem function. Invited seminar, Biology Department, University of Dayton,
1998. Approaches for developing biological
indicators for wetlands.
Association of State Wetland Managers, Plenary Address. March, Washington D.C.
1996. Application of concepts from the
development of biological criteria in Ohio streams and rivers to wetlands. Wetlands: Biological Assessment
Methods and Criteria Development Workshop, U.S. EPA. Boulder, CO., September 18 ‑ 20.
1996. Developing indicators to evaluate
ecological change in Midwestern wetlands.
Invited Symposium, Society
of Wetland Scientists, Kansas City, Mo., June 10 ‑ 13.
1995. An integrated strategy for the
biomonitoring of wetlands and other surface waters. U.S. EPA Workshop on The Challenges of Wetland Assessment
and Monitoring. Boston,
Mass., September 22‑23.
1993. The conservation and sustainable use of
freshwater wetlands in Europe and the United States. Invited series of 4
lectures, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK.
1993. Short Course on Ecological
Modelling. Sponsored by The
Station Biologique de la Tour du Valat and The Fluvial Systems Ecological Laboratory, CNRS. May 1993. Arles, France, with John W. Day and Philippe Hensel.
1992. Effectiveness of wetland buffer zones
in controlling agricultural pollution.
Proceedings of the Workshop on Assessing and Monitoring Changes in
Wetland Parks and Protected Areas.
9 ‑ 13 October.
Norwich, UK.
1990. Ecological approaches to water
pollution: use of wetlands to control mine drainage. Invited seminar, Morehead State University Biology
Department, Morehead,
Kentucky. April 19.
2006, Monitoring
stream and watershed restoration.
P. Roni, ed. Ecology 87:
2006, Wetalnds
– Nutrients, metals, and mass cycling. J. Vymazal, ed. Journal of
Paleolimnology 36: 229-231.
2001, Biodiversity in
wetlands: assessment, function and conservation. B. Gopal, W. Junk, and
J. Davis, eds. Ecology 82:1496-1497.
2001, A Case for
Wetland Restoration
by Donald L. Hey, Nancy S. Philippi. Journal of Environmental Quality 30: 1853‑1854.
1993, Restoration of Aquatic Ecosystems: Science,
Technology, and Public Policy.
National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences. Ecological Engineering 2: 159 ‑
1997, Treatment
R. H. Kadlec and R. L. Knight.
Journal of Environmental Quality 26.
1997, Wetlands:
Environmental Gradients, Boundaries and Buffers. Ecology 78:2274-2275.
2006 – 2007
Ellen Herbert, 2006
– 2007. Decomposition and nutrient cycling in natural and a
chronosequence of restored wetlands: A mechanistic study to provide guidance
for wetland restoration. Biology
Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science Scholarship).
Jesse Rosenbluth.
2006-2007. Does disturbance alter biogeochmical cycles in wetlands. Summer
Science and Research in Biology Project.
Courtland Cheney.
2006-2007. Acid mine drainage in Ohio Streams and Wetlands. Research in Biology
Sara Burns. 2007. Lignin content of wetland plant litter and its implication for
decomposition rates. . Research in
Biology Project.
2005 - 2006
Ellen Herbert. 2005
– 2006 . Landscapes and
wetland ecological condition. . Summer Science Scholar Project.
Elizabeth Deimeke,
2005-2006. Dose-response curves
shoe ecosystem response to land use change. Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science
Carolyn Barrett,
2005-2006. The role of buffers in
supporting biological integrity. Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science Scholarship).
Casey Smith,
2005-2006. Functions of isolated
wetlands on a watershed scale. Biology
Honors Thesis (includes Summer
Science Scholarship).
2004 - 2005
Mike Billmire, 2005.
Effects of soil carbon on ecosystems processes. Research in Biology Project.
Callie Vincent, Hillary
Monroe, David Deal, Jeremy Martinich. 2004. Testing field techniques in fish biology. Independent Study.
2003 - 2004
John Tisdale, 2002-2004.
Soil carbon flux and climate change. Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science Scholarship).
Erica Elliot,
2003-2004. Assessing wetland
condition on a watershed basis. Summer Science Scholar and Research Strategies.
2002 - 2003
Adam Selhorst,
2002-2003. Investigating how land
use affects soil carbon flux.
Research Strategies and Summer Science Scholar.
Eric Ward,
2002-2003. Evaluating indicators
of ecological integrity in wetlands. Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science Scholarship).
Daniel Gustafson,
2003. Testing oxygen supply to
mycorrhizal fungi in wetland plants.
Jeremy Martinich. 2002-2003. How does land use affect stream quality? Research Strategies.
2001 - 2002
Abby Rokosch, 2001-2002. Are restored
wetlands biogeochemically equivalent to natural wetlands. Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science
Katherine Kapo, 2001-2002. Historical patterns of arsenic
contamination in Knox County Soils: A GIS approach. Research Strategies.
Bruce Dotterer,
2001-2002. River flow affects
attached algae communities. Research Strategies.
Kristopher Cheney,
2001-2002. Soil carbon flux and climate change. Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science
Carrie Simon. 2001. Do restored wetlands differ in abundance of
mycorrhizal fungi infection in aquatic macrophytes. Summer Science Scholar and
Research Strategies.
Amanda Nahlik, 2001-2002. A multivariate analysis of amphibian
populations in 3 types of wetlands.
Summer Science Scholar
and Research Strategies.
2000 - 2001
Whitney Meno,
1999-2001. Forest fragmentation
and amphibian diversity. Biology
Honors Thesis (includes Summer
Science Scholarship).
1999 - 2000
Jessen Book,
1999-2000. Do restored wetlands
provide amphibian habitat. Summer
Science Scholar and Research Strategies
Abby Rokosch,
1999-2000. Testing biological
indicators for wetlands along a gradient of hydrological disturbance. Summer Science Scholar and Research
William Wade, 1999-2000.
Chemical fluxes in the BFEC riparian zone. Summer Science Scholar.
Michael. 2000. Trophic dynamics in experimental ponds
at the BFEC. Summer Science
Christina Bush, 1998 -
2000. The effects of plant
diversity on ecosystem processes Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science Scholarship).
William Fletcher,
1998-2000. Assessing the role of
aquatic macrophytes in aquatic ecosystem function and trophic
interactions. Biology Honors Thesis (includes Summer Science
Laura Marx, 1998 -
2000. The effects of vesicular
arbuscular mycorrhizae (VAM) on competition in aquatic plants. Summer Science Scholar, Independent
Kimberly Irion, 1999-2000. Disturbance and genetically altered
seeds. Research Strategies.
Colby Genrich,
1999-2000. Do mycorrhizae aid
nutrient uptake in aquatic plants Research Strategies.
James Denison,
1999-2000. Predator prey dynamics
with Daphnia and bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus). Research Strategies.
1998 - 1999
Marjorie Ross, 1999. Agriculture and aquatic ecosystems: a
watershed approach. Independent
Jonathan Flaherty and
Andrew Wallace, 1999. An
ecological-economics analysis of wetland mitigation. Independent