This is the entrance wound that accompanies the exit would seen in the exit wound section (last photo).  The bullet traveled down and to the left.


This is the entrance wound of the exit wound seen in the exit wound section (second photo).  The bullet entered the right parietal and exited the left parietal, thus traveling across the head, right to left.


This entrance wound (created by a 22 caliber bullet) clearly demonstrates the inward beveling of the skull's outer table that is characteristic of all entrance wounds.


This photo shows both the entrance and the exit wound (perforating type of injury).  The arrow indicats the entrance wound (right temporal).  The hole seen below and to the left of the entrance wound is where the bullet exited the cranium (also right temporal).  The rest of this individual's remains are shown below.


The layout in which these remains were found suggested that this was a suicide.  The weapon is marked by (a) and (b) is noting a pair of pants, both of which were found with the remains.


All photos courtesy of OsteoInteractive at http://www-medlib.med.utah.edu/kw/osteo/index2.html