This photo is of one of the victims of the  prison riot that occurred in 1980 at the New Mexico State Penitentiary. This individual was shot with a tear gas gun and subsequently set on fire. The large entrance wound on the forehead matches the dimensions of the tear gas bullet shown next to the skull.  Due to the low velocity of the projectile, however, there was no exit wound, but the skull was still highly fragmented.

Photo courtesy of Rhine, p. 233


The remains of this individual  (along with a shotgun and one casing) were recovered from a ditch in North Florida.  The skull fragments shown in the top picture were glued back together.  Judging from the fragmentation of the bones and the placement of the body to the shotgun, it is surmised that the victim held the shotgun under his chin when he pulled the trigger.

Photo courtesy of Morse, p. 179