This phylogenetic tree shows the genetic relationships between all of the
animals on planet Nobu. From this tree we can understand the following:
• Darlingtons and leebers are most closely related species; they diverged 6 million years ago from a
common ancestor
• Spolis and reebos diverged 8 million years ago
from a common ancestor diverged from a common ancestor with darlingtons
and leebers 24 million
years ago
• Linnis and barlocks diverged 20 million years ago from a common ancestor and diverged from 32
million years ago from a common ancestor with darlingtons, leebers, spolis, and reebos
• Snareens diverged 37 million years ago from a common ancestor with borillos and nochis
• Borillios and nochis diverged 27 million years ago from a common ancestor
• All of the animals share a common ancestor 50 million years ago