Spochis and balis are plants that grow in the Sirabu Lochi of planet Nobu.
Through evolution by natural selection, each species has made various adaptations in order
to survive in the very hot and dry climate of the Sirabu Lochi.

The spochi is a tall plant that grows out of the hot, course ground of the Sirabu Lochi.
Because this plant lives in such a hot, dry climate, it has acquired many characteristics
that aid in water retention. Spochis always grow with three stalks that contain a large
fruit at the top inside of an enclosed leaf. Like plants on earth, spochis grow and
acquire food through photosynthesis by using energy from sunlight to convert the water
and carbon dioxide in the soil into sugars. In this process, these plants release oxygen,
which the animals on planet Nobu breathe. Leebers (see Sirabu Lochi Animals)
are the only animals on planet Nobu that eat spochis because the only nutritious part of
the plant is located inside the fruit contained at the top of the plant. Leebers are the
only animals can reach this portion of the plant. Spolis and reebos (see Sirabu Lochi
Animals) are too small, so they are unable to reach these fruits. These animals
cannot climb up the stalks of the plant because the spochis have developed a
characteristic to protect them from, these creatures; spochis have large spikes at the base
of their stalks, which are poisonous to animals. Spolis and reebos are too small to avoid
these spikes, however, leebers are tall enough to reach the fruit of the plant. The stalks of
spochis are very thick and strong and they are able to store water very efficiently. Because
of the limited water resources in Sirabu Lochi, the fruit of spochis only blossom in the fall
and winter seasons. Their waxy coating enables them to protect from water loss and the
stomata of these plants also only open at night when it is cool, in order to reduce
water loss as well.

Balis are plants that grow as one stalk out of the hot, dry ground of the Sirabu Lochi.
Balis have a grouping of small, thick leaves at the top of the plant which release
small red berries that are eaten by reebos (see Sirabu Lochi Animals).
Bali –plants grow in massive groups, which provide shade for the spolis
(see Sirabu Lochi Animals). The feces of spoil provide bali with
nutrient rich elements that enable them to grow most efficiently
(symbiotic relationship). Like the spochis, balis have acquired many characteristics
that aid in water retention. Like the spochis and plants on earth, balis grow and
acquire food through photosynthesis by using energy from sunlight
to convert the water and carbon dioxide in the soil into sugars. In this
process, these plants release oxygen, which the animals on planet Nobu breathe.
The stalks of spochis are extremely thick and strong and they are able to store water
very efficiently. Because of the limited water resources in Sirabu Lochi, the leaves
at the top of the plant also have the ability to store large amounts of water for a
long period of time. Their waxy coating enables them to protect from water loss
and the stomata of these plants also only open at night when
it is cool, in order to reduce water loss as well.
Sirabu Lochi Energy Flow