Facts about Genomes. See 20 Facts about the Human Genome
Useful Sites
1. Visit Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM). Look up "myostatin." What do you find interesting? What do we learn about the gene function? Structure? Genetics? 2. At the top left of the myostatin page, click the link "Cytogenic location 2q32.2." Where is the gene encoding myostatin; on which chromosome? What other interesting genes do you find there? Explore
the gene maps linked here. 3. Back to the Myostatin entry page: Check the menu at right. Click DNA, then NCBI RefSeq. This brings up the "reference sequence" for human myostatin. Can you find the DNA sequence? The protein sequence? 4. Go back to OMIM. Type a disease name, any disease of interest to you. Can you find a gene associated with the disease? Try steps 1, 2, 3 above. 5. Copy this DNA gene sequence fragment: ctagtgtgcg gggaacgagg cttcttctac acacccaaga cccgccggga ggcagaggac
into BLAST under "Enter Query Sequence." What gene contains your sequence? What disease is caused by a defect in this gene? If you don't know, put in OMIM.
6. Copy some of the above gene into Webcutter.
Generate a restriction enzyme map showing all the enzyme cut sites in the sequence.
Name an enzyme that might be used to cut out a small piece of your gene.