
As on Earth, the ultimate energy source for Altoid is the sun. Though farther away than our sun is from us, Altoid's sun Wiggin is greater in size and intensity, keeping the temperatures for seven months or so consistantly as high as the very hottest summer days we know. Instead of being detrimental however, life on Altoid flourishes in the warmth. The sun provides energy to the planet in two main ways: It obviously keeps all organisms warm, which, in an environment with a considerable population of cold-blooded reptiles is absolutely crucial. It also allows the plantlife to photosynthesize.  (For information on photosynthesis, click here.)   It is necessarily the clock of the planet, and keeps the organisms of feeding, breeding and hibernation on track.

WIthout the sun, of course, no life would be able to exist on the planet. Both directly and indrectly it is crucial to every living thing on Altoid. It keeps temperatures high enough for life, it allows plants to thrive and feed other organisms, and it powers the process by which plants produce oxygen. Without the sun, Altoid would simply be a dark, freezing wasteland.
