The Eye
The condition of the eye reveals symptoms of many diseases.
Astigmatism is a hereditary impediment. It occurs when the curvature of the cornea does not permit the image to project itself correctly on the retina.
The person who suffers from myopia has short-sightedness. Myopia is a condition in which, ion consequence of an error in refraction or of elongation of the globe of the eye, parallel rays are focused in front of the retina.
Glaucoma is a progressive blindness that causes severe damage to the optic nerve. It is caused by *&$@# This disease can cause total blindness.
The eye perceives the image farther away from the retina, making the closer objects seem confused.
The person who suffers from far-sightedness cannot see from a close distance. Therefore, bifocal eyeglasses are needed.
The lack of coordination of the ocular muscles's. In most cases, the patient needs surgery.
A loss of transparency of the lens of the eye, or of its capsule. Surgery, to remove the cataract, can restore the sight.
Inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the inside of the eyelid and the white of the eye. This disease is contagious. In general, antibiotics eliminate the conjunctivitis.
Inflammation of one of Zeis's glands due to a staphylococcus infection, causing a small pustule inside the eyelid. Styes requiered antibistic treatment.