Helicobacter  pylori  26695

pH-Dependent Proteins

Gels performed by: Judith Phillips and Chris Kirkpatrick
Web links by BIOL 56 Experimental Genetics students at Kenyon College:
Catherine Beck, Neala Kendall, and Dan Nickerson
Contributors from U. Maryland at Baltimore:
David McGee, and Harry L. T. Mobley
Site director: Joan L. Slonczewski
Grant support: NSF MCB 9630963
Last Revision Date, December 29, 1999

Click on each image for spot map.
Acid growth
Alkaline growth
pH 6.1
ESA pI range = 4.5-6.5
Coomassie Blue stain
pH 7.5
ESA pI range = 4.5-6.5
Coomassie Blue stain
pH 5.9
IPGphor pI range = 4.5-9.0
Silver stain
pH 7.5
IPGphor pI range = 4.5-9.0
Silver stain

Growth conditions: Yeast extract-tryptone broth, 3% fetal bovine serum,
buffered with 100 mM sulfonate buffer appropriate for pH
First dimension ESA tube gels were run using procedure by ESA (Genomic Solutions).
First dimension IPGphor strips were 3-10 Nonlinear, by AP Biotech.
All second-dimension gels were 11.5 % acrylamide SDS-PAGE, using ESA Duracryl.