Human Health Effects
Overview of Health Effects
What the chemicals actually do

Hazardous waste has been linked with many horrible health related problems (Regenstein, 1982; Levine, 1982; Wildavsky & Schleicher, 1995).  The evidence of this link can be seen in increased rates of respiratory problems, skin disorders, miscarriages, birth defects, neurological disorders and cancer clusters in areas near to hazardous waste sites.  Larry Wilson (in Bradford & Gwynne, 1995) describes an small area where there are 15-20 houses where he can only name 2 that do not have one of the above listed problems.  He lives in Appalachian Kentucky near a leather tanning company that polluted the river near his home where many people get there drinking water.
            The EPA has developed a method to distinguish the "carcinogenic potency factor" of chemicals often found in Superfund sites (Wildavsky & Schleicher, 1995).  There are four categories:

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Created on 12/01/2001
by Karen Danis