| Comparison of three methods for creating n-dimensional hypervolumes Cecina Babich Morrow '16 | Andrew Kerkhoff, Biology |
 | Effectiveness of Teaching a Novel Language in the Context of a Children's Summer Day Camp Emily Balber '17 | Tabitha Payne, Psychology |
 | Evaluating dye compounds as adulticides via toxic sugar bait and assessing the role sex plays in lethal toxic dosing Leticia Osei Bonsu '17 | Matthew F. Rouhier, Chemistry |
 | Agonist-specific regulation of aryl hydrocarbon receptor target genes in a Xenopus laevis cell line Kay Burrows '18 | Wade H. Powell, Biology |
 | Recovering the Neutron Star Equation of State from a Binary Neutron Star: Gravitational Wave Detection with LIGO Matthew Carney '18 | Leslie Wade, Physics |
 | Modeling Corrections to the Fabry-Perot Cavity for the Calibration of Advanced LIGO Instruments Theresa Chmiel '17 | Madeline Wade, Physics |
 | Tangloids and their Symmetries Seth Colbert-Pollack '19 | Carol S. Schumacher, Mathematics |
 | Modeling Neuroinflammatory Pathways of Astrocytes, Microglia, and Neurons Ellen Corcoran '18 | Sheryl Hemkin, Chemistry |
 | Loved to Death: Tourism Case Studies in Baguio and Batad, Philippines Hannah Echt '17 | Sam Pack, Anthropology |
 | Crossing Borders: Creating Games to Simulate Cultural Interaction for Anthropology Classrooms Sydney Engelstein '18 | Kimmarie Murphy, Anthropology |
 | Generation of All-Carbon Quaternary Stereocenters Using a Novel, Acid-Initiated Vinylogous Aldol Reaction (VAR) Maddie Frischling '17 | John Hofferberth, Chemistry |
 | Mathematical Modeling of the Epistemology of Simple Physical Agents Ian George '18 | Benjamin Schumacher, Physics |
 | Acid Resistance Mechanisms in Laboratory Evolved Escherichia coli Jessie M. Griffith '19 | Joan L. Slonczewski, Biology |
 | Staging Culture: Igorot "Photogra-feeing" in Baguio City, Philippines Jon Funder Hansen '17 | Sam Pack, Anthropology |
 | Unusual Locomotor Response to Morphine in BTBR T+tf/J Mice Kelsey Hauser '17 | Hewlet G. McFarlane, Neuroscience |
 | Axiomatic Informational Thermodynamics Austin Hulse '19 | Benjamin Schumacher, Physics |
 | Gene expression of Sodium-Dependent Carbon-Chloride Cotransporters (aeCCC1-3) in Adult and Larval Tissue of Yellow Fever Mosquitos (Aedes aegypti) Taylor Jamil '17 | Chris M. Gillen, Biology |
 | Role of Trichomes in Regulation of Optical Properties in Carya glabra and Carya ovata Alexa Korsberg '17 | Christopher Bickford, Biology |
 | Escherichia coli Lose Antibiotic Tolerance During Experimental Laboratory Evolution in Benzoate Stress Karina Kunka '19 | Joan L. Slonczewski , Biology |
 | Self-Disclosure and Liking on Social Networking Sites Emma L. McGorray '18 | Patrick J. Ewell, Psychology |
 | Religious Syncretism in the Philippines Lauren Michael '17 | Sam Pack, Anthropology |
 | The Effect of Isolated Facial Features on the Identity Sensitive N250r ERP Sarah Mohr '17 | Andrew D. Engell, Neuroscience |
 | Control of Acid and Antibiotic Resistance Systems by an RNA Polymerase Alpha Subunit Mutation in Benzoate Evolved Escherichia coli Jeremy P. Moore '19 | Joan L. Slonczewski, Biology |
 | GABAa2 Subunit Agonism Improves Social Memory in BTBR T+tf/J Mice Sarah Naguib '17 | Hewlet G. McFarlane, Neuroscience |
 | Evaluation of mosquito (Aedes aegypti) organic anion transporters through microinjection of sulfonate group dyes. Bryce T. Nicholls '18 | Matthew F. Rouhier, Chemistry |
 | Identifying the Source of ?-Alanine Production in Arabidopsis thaliana by GC/MS Morgan E. Perrett '17 | Kerry A. Rouhier, Chemistry |
 | Psizing up the Universe: The Effects of the Gravitational Potential after Inflation Caroline Popiel '18 | Tom Giblin, Physics |
 | Reversible Ising Dynamics: a Digital Thermodynamic Model Graham Reid '17 | Benjamin Schumacher, Physics |
 | Immunolocalization of sodium-dependent cation chloride cotransporters in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti larvae Grace Riley '18 | Chris Gillen, Biology |
 | Remembrance and Renovation: Cultural Heritage Tourism in the Northern Philippines Jenna Rochelle '18 | Sam Pack, Anthropology |
 | The Decay and Gravitational Effectsof Non-Topological Structures After Inflation Christian Solorio '18 | Tom Giblin, Physics |
 | Between Two Worlds: The Past, Present, and Future of Igorot Youths Shaun Stewart '17 | Sam Pack, Anthropology |
 | Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms in Benzoate-Evolved Escherichia coli Anna C. Tancredi '19 | Joan L. Slonczewski, Biology |
 | Localization of the Sodium Dependent Cation-Chloride Cotransporter in Aedes aegypti Kenyatta Viel '17 | Chris M. Gillen, Biology |
 | Invisible Clothing? Complex Clothing Manufacture in the Middle Paleolithic Clay Whiteheart '18 | Bruce Hardy, Anthropology |
 | Characterization of the Positive Integers with Abundancy Index of the Form (2x-1)/x Yanqi Xu '17 | Judy Holdener, Mathematics |
 | Optimizing Gravitational Wave Searches For Intermediate Mass Black Hole Binaries Jack R. Zellweger '17 | Leslie E. Wade, Physics |