KAP Genetics and Development
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UNDER CONSTRUCTION! Last modified 4/08/2009 MWF 8:10- 9:00
a.m. (Period 1)
M, W, F 7:30- 8:00,
9- 11:30 a.m. Linked articles: Only viewed at Kenyon. This course introduces the mechanisms of heredity, the expression of genetic information, and the genetic control of development. Special emphasis is placed on genetic and biochemical approaches toward delineating fundamental cellular and developmental processes.
How to do well in this class:
How to contact
the instructor: Office hours, the weekly review session, and e-mail
are the best ways to make contact with me. Also, you may call me at
home before 9:00 p.m.
NOTE ON EXAMS AND QUIZZES: Exams or quizzes missed due to unexcused absences (e.g. my alarm didn't go off) will count as a zero. Exams missed due to an excused absence can be made up. It is the responsibility of the student to make arrangements to do so with the instructor. When an exam conflicts with a scheduled excusable event, the student must contact the instructor one week before the exam is scheduled to arrange for an alternate time. Ordinarily, this will be before the rest of the class takes the exam. Therefore, athletes should check the syllabus and their athletic contest schedules closely and make note of any conflicts. There will be no make up quizzes. If you miss a quiz due to an excused absence, it will not count as a zero and the two lowest grades of the remaining quizzes will be dropped.
Academic Honesty. Do not lie, cheat, or plagiarize. This class will follow the official Kenyon College position on academic honesty. It is your responsibility to review and observe the official College policy on academic honesty. Special Needs. College policy provides for reasonable accomodations for documented physical, psychological or learning disabilities that may impact your ability to participate fully in the course. Please speak with me and with Erin Salva, Coordinator of Disability Services (PBX 5453; salvae@kenyon.edu). All information and documentation of disability is confidential. Please see the Disability Services web site for more information. Logistical details of any approved accomodation (e.g. extended exam time) must be arranged with the instructor in advance. |
If particular pages or a section number follow a chapter you are
responsible for just those pages or sections.
DATE | TOPIC & WEBNOTES links | READING second edition-- Color coded | Reading third edition |
12 M
The Central Dogma Ch. 15 (section 15.3, pp. 334-336) |
The Central Dogma Ch. 15 (pp. 320-322). | |
Jan 14 W |
structure(optional), Chromosomes |
Ch. 4 (4.1, 4.2); pg. 130;
essay pg. 87 |
Ch. 4 (4.1, 4.2); pg. 120-121; Box 4.1 pg. 75 pg 124 (the nucleus) |
Jan 16 F | histone code: Gel electrophoresis | Ch. 18 (18.2), Box 4.1 pg. 78, box 19.2 pg. 412 | Ch. 18 (18.2), Bioskills 7 pg B12-B13, box 19.1 pg. 398 |
Jan 19 M | DNA as the genetic material;
centrifugation transformation, conjugation, transduction |
Ch. 14
(303-310), Box 7.1 pg. 140, Box 19.1 pg. 404 |
Ch. 14
(295-302), Box 7.1 pg. 133, Box 12.2 pg. 256 |
Jan 21 W | DNA replication, telomeres Paper discussion |
Ch. 14 pp. 310-318 tissue engineering paper |
Ch. 14 (sections 3 and 4) tissue engineering paper |
Jan 23 F |
Mitosis |
Ch. 11 through section 11.2 | Ch. 11 through section 11.2 |
26 M
karyotyping link
Ch. 12 (all except section 12.3), Fig 25.9 pg. 547 |
Ch. 12 (all except section 12.3), Fig 26.8 pg. 535 |
Jan 28 W | Mendelian
inheritance |
Ch. 13 pp. 269-281; Optional Dihybrid Cross (#'s 1-10) | Ch. 13 pp. 265-276; Bioskills 9 Optional Dihybrid Cross (#'s 1-10) |
Jan. 30 F | Sex linked traits, recombination |
Ch. 13 pp 281-286; Linkage More Practice | Ch. 13 pp 276-281; Linkage More Practice |
Feb 2 M | Gene mapping, pedigrees | Ch. 13 (sec. 13.6), Ch. 19 (sec. 19.3) | Ch. 13 (sec. 13.6), Ch. 19 (sec. 19.4) |
Feb 4 W | Exam 1 |
Feb 6
Ch. 13 (sec. 13.5) Download Flowers(optional)
Ch. 13 (sec. 13.5) Download Flowers(optional) | |
Feb 9 M |
Chapter 15, Box 27.1 pg 588
Beadle and Tatum animation- click on test tubes |
15, Box 28.1 pg 576 Beadle and Tatum animation- click on test tubes |
11 W
Ch. 4 (sec. 4.3); Ch 16 pp.
Ch. 4 (sec. 4.3); Ch 16 pp. 329 and section 16.1 |
Feb 13 F |
transcription and splicing |
Ch. 16
(section 16.2); pg. 438-439 (gene # and alternate splicing) Nobel Prize for split genes |
Ch. 16
(section 16.2); pg. 426-427 (Why do humans have so few genes?) Nobel Prize for split genes |
Feb 16 | Translation | Ch. 16 (sections 16.3, .4, .5) Essay on antiobiotics pg.358-9 | Ch. 16 (sections 16.3, .4, .5) |
mutation and repair
Quiz 5 in class |
Ch. 14 (sec. 14.5, 14.6); Ch. 16 (sec. 16.6); essay
pg. 535
Ch. 14 (sec. 14.5); Ch. 16 (sec. 16.6) |
Feb 20 |
Applying Central Dogma Concepts I: Regulation of the eukaryotic cell cycle. |
11(sec. 11.3,11.4)Cell cycle game
-optional |
Ch. 11(sec. 11.3,11.4)Cell cycle game -optional |
23 m
Ch. 18 (18.6); Smoking
and Lung Cancer (optional) essay pg.
Ch. 18 (18.6); Smoking and Lung Cancer (optional). | |
Feb 25 w | Applying Central Dogma Concepts II: Immune System and antibody production | Ch. 49 (sec 49.2) | Ch. 49 (sec 49.2) |
Feb 27 f | EXAM 2 Bring 8.5 x 11 cheat sheet and cell growth pathway. Code provided | May start exam at 8:00 a.m | May start exam at 8:00 a.m |
Mar 2-13
No Class Meetings
No Class Meetings |
Mar 16 m |
Ch. 19 (intro, sec. 19.1, .2)
Plasmid (downloaded with Flowers) Techniques page if you're interested (for PCR animation click on techniques, amplifying, PCR). |
Ch. 19
(intro, sec. 19.1, .2, .3) Plasmid (downloaded with Flowers) Techniques page if you're interested (for PCR animation click on techniques, amplifying, PCR). |
Mar 18 w |
Approaches II: DNA
sequencing PCR |
Ch. 20 (Pg. 427, recent
technological advances, fig. 20.1) |
Summary Table, pg. 406-407. |
Mar 20 f |
Ch. 17 (Intro, sections .1, .2 and .3) |
Ch. 17 (Intro, sections .1, .2 and .3) | |
23 m
Ch. 17 (section 17.4) operon
Ch. 17 (section 17.4) operon practice | |
Mar 25 w |
DNA binding proteins |
Ch. 17 (section 17.5) footprinting animation |
Ch. 17 (section 17.5) footprinting animation |
Mar 27 f |
Ch. 18 (pp. 382-383, 18.3, 18.4) |
Ch. 18 (pp. 370-371, 18.3, 18.4) |
30 m
Ch. 18 (18.5)
Ch. 18 (18.5)
Apr 1 w | Problems and Approaches III: Measuring Gene Expression: Northern blots, RT-PCR, cDNA microarrays; Western blots | Box 19.2
pp. 412-413; Ch. 20 pp. 440 DNA microarrays DNA Chip (optional) |
Box 19.1
pp. 398-399; Ch. 20 (section 20.4) DNA Chip (optional) |
Apr 3 f | Special topic: RNAi animation and RNAi Nobel |
RNAi and riboswitches: Gibbs (2003) Scientific American article (local access only) p-body articles
on moodle site |
RNAi and riboswitches: Gibbs
(2003) Scientific American article (local access only) pp. 381-382 p-body articles on moodle site |
Apr 6 m | gene
therapy Quiz 8 due in class |
Chap 19 (sec. 19.4) zinc finger
nuclease article on moodle knock out mice (optional) |
Chap 19 (sec. 19.5) zinc finger
nuclease article on moodle knock out mice (optional) |
Apr 8
EXAM 3 may bring 8.5 x 11 one sided cheat sheet | May start exam at 8:00 a.m. | May start exam at 8:00 a.m. |
Apr 10 f |
of Developmental Processes; Model organisms (click on
techniques, then model organisms)
Ch. 21(pp. 446-447); Ch. 22 ( pp. 469-470, sec. 22.3)
pg 757 box 33.1, pg. 725 box 32.1
Ch. 21(intro and sections 21.1 and 21.2); pg. 713 box 33.1 |
Apr 13 m | Fertilization and Cleavage in animals (optional) | Ch. 21(pp. 447- 458) | Ch. 22 (pp. 451- 459) |
Apr 15 w | Ch. 21 (pp. 458-461) Gastrulation movies(optional) | Ch. 22 (sec. 22.4); pg. 695 | |
Apr 17 f |
Pattern formation in Animals |
Ch. 21 (pp. 463-466); Ch 22 (sec. 22.1) |
Ch. 21 (section 21.3) |
20 m
Ch. 26 (sec. 26.3); Box 22.2 (pg. 482) , Twinned genes | Ch. 21
(section 21.4) Ch. 27 (pg. 556, 557); Twinned genes |
Apr 22 w | Ch. 22
(section 22.5), Ch 8 (section 8.2) miRNAs in myogenesis (optional) |
Apr 24 f | Plant embryogenesis; Pattern Formation in Plants: Arabidopsis flowering |
Ch. 21 pp. (462-463); Ch. 22 (sec. 22.2) Box 29.1 pg. 643. Skim ch 40 (section 40.2 - end). | Chapter 23 Box 30.1 pg. 631. Skim ch 40 (section 40.2 - end). |
27 m
C. elegans (optional) |
Box 22.4 pg. 486 and animation | Box 21.1 pg. 437 and animation |
Apr 29 w |
Essay pg. 466, Box 22.3 pg.
484, essay pg.489
Box 21.2 pg. 439 | |
May 1 | Make up or special topic | ------------ | |
May 4 Monday | Exam 4 at 6:30 p.m. Also optional final | Exam 4 in TOM 101 (not
optional) Optional cumulative final |
Exam 4 in TOM 101 (not
optional) Optional cumulative final |